Image of AVT000 Xilisoft Wii Convertisseur ID 2689748

AVT000 Xilisoft Wii Convertisseur ID 2689748

Xilisoft Wii converter can perfectly convert almost all video formats AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP, etc., to Wii supported formats. Whether the video is taken by camcorder, cellular phone, or downloaded from YouTube, you can easily do video to Wii conversion without quality loss thanks to the straightforward interface design and powerful video conversion engine.You can also customize the media files using a wide variety of video editing functions such as video crop, movie trimming and video effect adjustment. This Wii converter also lets you set encoding parameters including resolution, bit rate, frame rate, aspect ratio, brightness, contrast, saturation to get the best video quality.
Windows 2000 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP

Price: USD 15.61

Category Catalogue Product Name Price
Software AVT000 Xilisoft Wii Convertisseur ID 2689748 15.61

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