Image of AVT100 MetaTree Component ID 1310327

AVT100 MetaTree Component ID 1310327

MetaProducts Corporation has released MetaTree Component version 1.45 for Delphi 5,6,7, a control to show hierarchical information as a graphs tree. A user can select the desired node using mouse. It looks like a flat projection of a tree on an elliptical parabolic surface. The component distribution includes a sample application MTDemo.exe both as a compiled executable and with sources. It shows the basic usage of MetaTree component. MetaTree Component (for Delphi 5,6,7) costs $70.00 and can be purchased securely online at You can download a trial version of MetaTree Component (for Delphi 5,6,7) from

Price: USD 70.01

Category Catalogue Product Name Price
Software AVT100 MetaTree Component ID 1310327 70.01

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